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2nd International

African Congress

The Importance of Africa in Reshaping International Order
Toruń (Poland), February 19–21, 2025



1. HE Taoufik Chebbi Ambassador of the Republic of Tunisia in Poland (Guest of Honor)
2. HE Mohamed Salahe Belaid Ambassador of the People's Democratic Republic of Algeria in Poland
3. HE Manuel Pedro Chaves Ambassador of the Republic of Angola in Poland
4.  HE Papa Moussa Diop Ambassador of the Republic of Senegal in Poland
5. HE Dr. Mahmoud Khalifa Ambassador of Palestine in Poland
6. HE Stephen Mubiru Ambassador of the Republic of Uganda in Berlin
7.   HE Prof. Anastase Shyaka Ambassador of the Republic of Rwanda in Poland
8. Saber Khomsi First secretary, advisor to the Ambassador at the Embassy of the Republic of Tunisia in Poland
9. HE Andrzej Braiter Former Ambassador of Poland to Angola (1997-2002), Costa Rica (2005-2008) and Brazil (2013-2017)
10. HE Dr. Tomasz Łukaszuk Former Ambassador of Poland to Indonesia and East Timor (2005-2010) and India, Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Maldives, Nepal, Sri Lanka (2014-2017)
11. HE Dr. Janusz Mrowiec Former Ambassador of Poland to Senegal (1996–2000), Guinea (1997–2000), Mali, Gambia (1997–2001) and Algeria (2002–2006)
12. Marcin Krzyżanowski Former Consul of Poland in Afghanistan
13. Przemysław Bańkowski Honorary Consul of the Republic of Lithuania in Poland
14. Dr. Lotfi Mansour Honorary Consul of the Republic of Tunisia in Poland
15. Maciej Wydrzyński Honorary Consul of the Republic of Peru in Poland

Honorary Guests

1. HE Mohamed Ali Nafti Minister of Foreign Affairs, Migration and Tunisians Abroad of the Republic of Tunisia
2. Michał Sztybel Voivode of Kuyavian-Pomeranian Voivodeship
3. Piotr Całbecki Marshall of the Kuyavian-Pomeranian Voivodeship
4. Prof. Piotr Borek Rector of the University of the National Education Commission, Krakow
5. Rev. Prof. Ryszard Czekalski Rector of the Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University in Warsaw, Poland
6. Prof. Wawrzyniec Konarski Rector of the Vistula University, Poland
7. Prof. Jacek Lipok Rector of the University of Opole, Poland
8. Prof. Rafał Matera Rector of the University of Lodz, Poland
9. Prof. Mirosław Minkina Rector of the University of Siedlce, Poland
10. Prof. Abdelwahed Mokni Rector of the University of Sfax, Tunisia
11. Prof. Alojzy Z. Nowak Rector of the University of Warsaw, Poland
12. Prof. Waldemar Tarczyński Rector of the University of Szczecin, Poland
13. Prof. Andrzej Tretyn Rector of Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń, Poland
14. Prof. Mariusz Popławski Rector of the University of Białystok, Poland
15. Prof. Andrzej Tretyn Rector of Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń
16. Prof. Abderrahim Chenini Vice-Rector for External Relations and Scientific Events at the University of Ghardaia, Algeria
17. Prof. Jolanta Itrich-Drabarek President of the Political Sciences Committee, Polish Academy of Sciences
18. Prof. Petr Vorel President of the Association of Historians of the Czech Republic
19. Prof. Krzysztof Mikulski President of the Polish Association of Historians
20. Prof. Iwona Hofman President of the Polish Communication Association
21. Prof. Magdalena Musiał-Karg President of the Polish Political Science Association
22. Prof. Jacek Sobczak President of the Polish Scientific Society of Press Law
23. Dr. Karolina Wanda Olszowska President of the Institute for Turkey Studies
24. Prof. Marek M. Dziekan Vice-President of the Polish Oriental Society
25. Prof. Najiba Chkir Ben Jemaa Dean of the Faculty of Letters and Humanities at the University of Sfax, Tunisia
26. Prof. Daniel Przastek Dean of the Faculty of Political Sciences and International Studies at the University of Warsaw, Poland
27. Prof. Maciej Serowaniec Dean of the Faculty of Law and Administration at Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń, Poland
28. Prof. Mouez Khalfaoui University of Tübingen, Germany; Keynote Speaker
29. Naoufel Gannouni Representative of Tunisian National Tourist Office (ONTT) in Warsaw
30. Raoudha Jerbi Representative of the Office of Tunisia Export Promotion Center in Warsaw (CEPEX)
31. Michał Korolko CEO of Torun Regional Development Agency
32. Dr. Aleksander Olech Head of International Cooperation at Defence24


Prof. Marek M. Dziekan
(Łódź / Poland)
Szajch Ma al-Ajnajn (1831-1910) – mauretański sufi i bojownik w historii i literaturze
Prof. Petr Vorel
(Pardubice / Czech Republic)
Participation with a paper
3. Prof. Jerzy Sielski
(Bielsko-Biała/ Poland)
Dyktatorzy afrykańscy. Casus Bokassy
4. Prof. Yves Morin
(Vesoul / France)
Participation in a discussion
5. Michał Korolko
(Toruń / Poland)
Participation with a paper
6. Dr. Karolina Wanda Olszowska
(Warsaw / Poland)
Participation with a paper
7. Dr. Adam Marszałek
(Toruń / Poland)
Participation in a discussion
8. Michał Dahl, MA
(Łódź / Poland)
Participation in a discussion
9. Prof. Anna Zasuń
(Częstochowa / Poland)
Islam Czarnej Afryki jako forma synkretyzmu z tradycyjnymi wierzeniami
10. Prof. Danuta Plecka
(Gdańsk / Poland)
Participation in a discussion
11. Dr. Nagmeldin Karamalla-Gaiballa
(Warsaw / Poland)
Participation with a paper
12. Dr. Magdalena Kubarek
(Warsaw / Poland)
Participation with a paper
13. Prof. Joanna Marszałek-Kawa
(Toruń / Poland)
Participation with a paper
14. Dr. Marceli Burdelski
(Warsaw / Poland)
Participation with a paper
15. Zbigniew Krełowski, MA
(Toruń / Poland)
Participation with a paper
16. Prof. Valentyna Hodlevska
(Gdańsk / Poland)
Konsekwencje wojny rosyjsko-ukraińskiej dla krajów afrykańskich
17. Dr. Jamila Oueslati
(Poznań / Poland)
Participation with a paper
18. Katarzyna Urban
(Kraków / Poland)
Participation with a paper
19. Dr. Adrianna Czarnecka
(Toruń / Poland)
The impact of Turkiye's Foreign Policy in Africa
20. Prof. Przemysław Osiewicz
(Poznań / Poland)
Participation with a paper
21. Marcin Mieteń, MA
(Warsaw / Poland)
Participation with a paper
22. Dr. Klaudia Gołębiowska
(Poznań / Poland)
Participation with a paper
23. Dr. Lotfi Mansour
(Toruń / Poland)
Panel "The Role and Responsibilities of Honorary Consuls in the Era of Modern Socio-Economic Changes"
24. Maciej Wydrzyński, MA
(Toruń / Poland)
Panel "The Role and Responsibilities of Honorary Consuls in the Era of Modern Socio-Economic Changes"
25. Przemysław Bańkowski, MA
(Toruń / Poland)
Panel "The Role and Responsibilities of Honorary Consuls in the Era of Modern Socio-Economic Changes"
26. Radosław Komuda, MA
(Toruń / Poland)
Panel "The Role and Responsibilities of Honorary Consuls in the Era of Modern Socio-Economic Changes"
27. Iwona Nadolska-Bartosiak
(Toruń / Poland)
Participation in a discussion
28. Prof. Teresa Astramowicz-Leyk
(Olsztyn / Poland)
Webinarium "Afryka i jej współczesne problemy", moderatorka
29. Prof. Yaryna Turchyn
(Lviv / Ukraine)
Webinarium "Afryka i jej współczesne problemy"
30. Prof. Alla Atamanenko
(Ostroh / Ukraine)
Webinarium "Afryka i jej współczesne problemy"
31. Prof. Waldemar Tomaszewski
(Olsztyn / Poland)
Webinarium "Afryka i jej współczesne problemy"
32. Prof. Katarzyna Maciejewska-Mieszkowska
(Olsztyn / Poland)
Webinarium "Afryka i jej współczesne problemy"
33. Prof. Wojciech Kotowicz
(Olsztyn / Poland)
Webinarium "Afryka i jej współczesne problemy"
34. Prof. Tomasz Bojarewicz
(Olsztyn / Poland)
Webinarium "Afryka i jej współczesne problemy"
35. Prof. Wojciech Modzelewski
(Olsztyn / Poland)
Webinarium "Afryka i jej współczesne problemy"
36. Doc. Dr. Olha Ivasechko
(Lviv / Ukraine)
Webinarium "Afryka i jej współczesne problemy"
37. Dr. Oleksandra Struk
(Olsztyn / Poland)
Webinarium "Afryka i jej współczesne problemy"
38. Dr. Marcin Kowalczyk
(Olsztyn / Poland)
Webinarium "Afryka i jej współczesne problemy"
39. Dr. Oleh Golovko
(Odesa / Ukraine)
Webinarium "Afryka i jej współczesne problemy"
40. Przemysław Kuczkowski, MA
(Bydgoszcz / Poland)
Webinarium "Afryka i jej współczesne problemy"
41. Anastasiia Liashchova, MA
(Odesa / Ukraine)
Webinarium "Afryka i jej współczesne problemy"
42. Szymon Ostrowski, MA
(Toruń / Poland)
Webinarium "Afryka i jej współczesne problemy"
43. Michał Dahl, MA
(Łódź / Poland)
Webinarium "Afryka i jej współczesne problemy"
44. Katarzyna Woźniak, MA
(Gniezno / Poland)
Sudan - towards Democracy
45. Prof. Jacek Knopek
(Koszalin / Poland)
Afryka w polskiej polityce zagranicznej okresu międzywojennego
46. Prof. Abderrahim Chenini
(Ghardaia / Algeria)
Participation with a paper
47. Prof. Bara NDiaye
(Olsztyn / Poland)
Thiaroye 44 – zbrodnia kolonialna Thiaroye 44 – a colonial crime
48. Aya Ghazel, BA
(Sousse / Tunisia)
Participation in a discussion
49. Mouna Chahed, MA
(Sousse / Tunisia)
Participation in a discussion
50. Dr. Dawid Stelmach
(Poznań / Poland)
Rwandan model of Reconciliation on 25th years after the Genocide- presentation of pioneering research on Rwandans' reception of Reconciliation
51. Intissar Chaabani, MA
(Ariana / Tunisia)
Participation in a discussion
52. Mohamed Chebbi
(Tunis / Tunisia)
Concert and workshop "Research on traditional Tunisian music"
53. Moaetaz Aouinti
(Tunis / Tunisia)
Concert and workshop "Research on traditional Tunisian music"
54. Nidhal Yahyaoui
(Tunis / Tunisia)
Concert and workshop "Research on traditional Tunisian music"
55. Dr. Badria Safir
(Tlemcen / Algeria)
Participation with a paper
56. Prof. Abdelwahed Mokni
(Sfax / Tunisia)
Participation with a paper
57. Dr. Tomasz Sińczak
(Bydgoszcz / Poland)
Zmagania o Aleksandrię - preludium wielu lat irańskiej obecności wojskowej w Egipcie
58. Prof. Geoffrey Nwaka
(Uturu / Nigeria)
Panel "Towards Decolonizing African History and Visions of Development", moderator
59. Prof. Mohammed Seghir Nili
(El Oued / Algeria)
Participation with a paper
60. Dr. Hammouda Salhi
(Tunis / Tunisia)
Participation with a paper
61. Dr. Maciej Szatkowski
(Toruń / Poland)
Participation in a discussion
62. Dr. Dhaker Sila
(Gafsa / Tunisia)
Panel "The date palm in Tunisia: Culture, Heritage and production"
Paper title: "The date palm in the Djerid oases from the Middle Ages to the colonial era: Varieties, irrigation and cultural aspects"
63. Dr. Mourad Chetoui
(Tunis / Tunisia)
Panel "The date palm in Tunisia: Culture, Heritage and production"
Paper title: "The spread of palm culture in the Jérid region in ancient and medieval eras (south-west of Tunisia)"
64. Dr. Yacine Barrani
(Sfax / Tunisia)
Panel "The date palm in Tunisia: Culture, Heritage and production"
Paper title: "Oasis landscape analysis and mapping"
65. Dr. Kadri Karim
(Degache / Tunisia)
Panel "The date palm in Tunisia: Culture, Heritage and production"
Paper title: "Resilience of the oasis system in Tunisia faced with climate change", moderator
66. Dr. Ahmed Othmani
(Degache / Tunisia)
Panel "The date palm in Tunisia: Culture, Heritage and production"
Paper title: "In vitro tissue culture effective method for date palm genetic resource conservation"
67. Dr. Jemni Monia
(Degache / Tunisia)
Panel "The date palm in Tunisia: Culture, Heritage and production"
Paper title: "Impact of the valorization of dates on women"
68. Dr. Jamila Oueslati
(Poznań / Poland)
Panel "The date palm in Tunisia: Culture, Heritage and production"
Paper title: "The image of palm in Tunisian folk literature: poetry and songs as example"
69. Prof. Maciej Szczurowski
(Gdańsk / Poland)
Participation with a paper
70. Edip Senyurek, MA
(Warsaw / Poland)
Challenges for African Students in Poland
71. Isaac Antwi-Boasiako, MA
(Dublin / Ireland) 
Stakeholders of African Public Diplomacy: The Story of Ghana Investment Promotion Centre (GIPC)
72. Prof. Renata Podgórzańska
(Szczecin / Poland)
Participation in a discussion
73. Dr. Aleksander Olech
(Warsaw / Poland)
Participation with a paper
74. Ismail Hamed Ismail Ali
(Minneapolis / USA)
Mysterious Land of Azania on East African Coast in Greek and Latin Sources
75. Marcin Krzyżanowski, MA
(Kraków / Poland)
Participation with a paper
76. Philip Fwaldin Kasuwa
(Lublin / Poland)
The influence of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict on the food security in Africa
77. Dr. Aleksandra Spancerska
(Warsaw / Poland)
Participation with a paper
78. Leyla Büyükbayrak, MA
(Wrocław / Poland)
Participation in a discussion
79. Edip Senyurek, MA
(Warsaw / Poland)
Panel "Sustainability idea in African realities"; moderator
80. Yassin Rauna
(Dodoma / Tanzania) (Warsaw / Poland)
Panel "Sustainability idea in African realities"
81. Ajibola Oshikoya
(Abuja / Nigeria) (Warsaw / Poland)
Panel "Sustainability idea in African realities"
82. Mahamadou Toure
(Bamako / Mali) (Warsaw / Poland)
Panel "Sustainability idea in African realities"
83. Shanaid Pillay
(Harare / Zimbabwe) (Warsaw / Poland)
Panel "Sustainability idea in African realities"
84. Elias Belachew
(Addis Ababa / Ethiopia) (Warsaw / Poland)
Panel "Sustainability idea in African realities"
85. HE Dr. Mahmoud Khalifa
(Warsaw / Poland)
Participation in a discussion
86. HE Dr. Tomasz Łukaszuk
(Warsaw / Poland)
Participation in a discussion
87. Prof. Jolanta Itrich-Drabarek
(Warsaw / Poland)
Participation in a discussion
88.  Dr. Wioleta Gierszewska
(Gdańsk / Poland)
Wybory prezydenckie w Rwandzie jako forma rytuału politycznego
89. Col. dr. Andrzej Adamowicz
(Warsaw / Poland)
Ekspansja Rosji w Afryce - konsekwencje i zagrożenia
90. Dr. Nino Ejibadze
(Tbilisi / Georgia)
Panel "Arabic literature in Africa - African literature in Arabic"
91. Marcin Mieteń, MA
(Warsaw / Poland)
Panel "Arabic literature in Africa - African literature in Arabic"
92. Dr. Kamil Pietrasik
(Łódź / Poland)
Participation with a paper
93. Prof. Wawrzyniec Konarski
(Warsaw / Poland)
Participation in a discussion
94. Prof. Sabina Grabowska
(Rzeszów / Poland)
Participation in a discussion
95. Prof. Radosław Grabowski
(Rzeszów / Poland)
Participation in a discussion
96. Robert Ainebyona, MA
(Lublin / Poland)
Assessing the implementation of the African Continental Free Trade Area (AFCFTA) and its Potential Impact on Economic integration and Development of Africa: a Case for Uganda
97. Dr. Ewa Kołodziejska
(Toruń / Poland)
Participation in a discussion
98. Maciej Pietrusiński, MA
(Toruń / Poland)
Participation with a paper
99.  Prof. Ilias Tasopoulos
(Tripoli / Greece)
Participation with a paper
100.  Prof. Andrzej Braiter
(Warsaw / Poland)
Participation with a paper
101. Alaksandar Mitrović
(Belgrade / Serbia) (Toruń / Poland)
Participation in a discussion
102. Prof. Moses Etila Shaibu
(Abuja / Nigeria)
Participation in a discussion
103 Dr. Zuzanna Sielska
(Częstochowa / Poland)
Participation with a paper
104. Elżbieta Wielgosz
(Świdwin / Poland)
Participation in a discussion
105. Dr. Katia Holovko
(Odesa / Ukraine)
Participation in a discussion
106. Paweł Burdelski
(Beijing / China)
Participation in a discussion
107. Janusz Wielgosz
(Świdwin / Poland)
Participation in a discussion
108. Dr. Daniel Kawa
(Toruń / Poland)
Participation in a discussion
109. Dr. Samir Abdelaal
(Cairo / Egypt)
Panel "Arabic literature in Africa - African literature in Arabic"
Paper title: "Family and Autobiography in Modern Arabic Literature"
110. Bushra Hashem, MA
(Oslo / Norway)
Panel "Arabic literature in Africa - African literature in Arabic"
Paper title: "Exploring African Representations in Contemporary Arabic Literature: Maimūna and Celestial Bodies"
111. Prof. Maria Elena Paniconi
(Macerata / Italy)
Panel "Arabic literature in Africa - African literature in Arabic"
Paper title: "Forced migration and/as environmental narratives in two arabophone novels by Eritrean writers"
112. Prof. František Ondráš
(Prague / Czechia)
Panel "Arabic literature in Africa - African literature in Arabic"
Paper title: "The mystical and historical imagination in The Longing of the Dervish by Sudanese writer, Hammour Ziada"
113. Prof. Najiba Chkir Ben Jemaa
(Sfax / Tunisia)
Webinar "The Concept of Body and Soul in Eastern Philosophy and Culture"
Paper title: "Body self perception through natrual environment perspective"
114. Dr. Trichili Nizar
(Sfax / Tunisia)
Webinar "The Concept of Body and Soul in Eastern Philosophy and Culture"
Paper title: "The symbolism of bread and the body in artistic paintings"
115. Prof. Mohamed Ibn Mohamed Kharrat
(Sfax / Tunisia)
Webinar "The Concept of Body and Soul in Eastern Philosophy and Culture", moderator
Paper title: "The concept of Eastern body"
116. Dr. Bassem Makki
(Sfax / Tunisia)
Webinar "The Concept of Body and Soul in Eastern Philosophy and Culture"
Paper title: "Purity and impurity in Islamic Thought: an anthropological approach"
117. Dr. Souissi Saber
(Sfax / Tunisia)
Webinar "The Concept of Body and Soul in Eastern Philosophy and Culture"
Paper title: "The body in Eastern representation" NIE Nude body, clothed body in the Sufi experience"
118. Dr. Jamila Oueslati
(Poznań / Poland)
Webinar "The Concept of Body and Soul in Eastern Philosophy and Culture"
Paper title: "Body language and verbal/ nonverbal communication in Arabic culture: cross-cultural study of selected examples"
119. Prof. Hadj Mahammed Yahia
(Ghardaia / Algeria)
Panel "Arabic and African Contemporary War Literature", moderator
Paper title: "Moufdi Zakaria: Poet of Algerian Revolution"
120. Prof. Sana Al Barouni
(Tunis / Tunisia)
Panel "Arabic and African Contemporary War Literature"
Paper title: "Abdelaziz Thâalbi: Tunisian political leader"
121. Prof. Sana Ilahi Haj Salem
(Tunis / Tunisia)
Panel "Arabic and African Contemporary War Literature"
Paper title: "Tunisian Nationalism: Forgotten women political activists"

Prof. Nadia Mgadmi
(Nalut / Libya)

Panel "Arabic and African Contemporary War Literature"
Paper title: "Libyan Political Poetry: Ahmad Rafiq Al-mahdawi as an example"
123. Prof. Zahra Oshen
(Tripoli / Libya)
Panel "Arabic and African Contemporary War Literature"
Paper title: "The concept of survival in Libyan poetry: Soulaimen al-Baruni as an example"
124. Prof. Nouhi El Ouafi
(Rabat / Marocco)
Panel "Arabic and African Contemporary War Literature"
Paper title: "Amazigh poetry and the struggle against French and Spanish colonization"
125. Prof. Mohamed Mahmoud
(Rabat / Marocco
Panel "Arabic and African Contemporary War Literature"
Paper title: "The concept of freedom in Mauritanian literature"
126. Prof. Guerfel Najet
(Gabes / Tunisia)
Panel "Arabic and African Contemporary War Literature"
Paper title: "Views of Tunisian Nationalism in Colonial Literature: Abdelaziz Thâalbi as an example"
127.  Prof. Zakareya Ragab Mahmoud Abdelmaguid
(Cairo / Egypt)
Participation with a paper
128. Prof. Serhii Kuznichenko
(Kyiv / Ukraine)
Webinar "Attracting Foreign Direct Investment through the African Continental Free Trade Area: a Strategic Alternative to Conventional Trade Models", moderator
129. Charles Arthur Ntiri
(Accra / Ghana)
Webinar "Attracting Foreign Direct Investment through the African Continental Free Trade Area: a Strategic Alternative to Conventional Trade Models"
130. Kingsford Kwaku Jagre
(Accra / Ghana)
Webinar "Attracting Foreign Direct Investment through the African Continental Free Trade Area: a Strategic Alternative to Conventional Trade Models"
131. Ivan Romanov
(Accra / Ghana)
Webinar "Attracting Foreign Direct Investment through the African Continental Free Trade Area: a Strategic Alternative to Conventional Trade Models"
132. Viktor Golub
(Accra / Ghana)
Webinar "Attracting Foreign Direct Investment through the African Continental Free Trade Area: a Strategic Alternative to Conventional Trade Models"
133. Prof. Ramdane Boukherrouf
(Tizi-Ouzou / Algeria)
Panel "Berber: Language and Heritage"
Paper title: "The Berber dimension in the Arabic manuscripts of Algeria: Historical and linguistic approaches"
134. Meziani Noumidia
(Tizi-Ouzou / Algeria)
Panel "Berber: Language and Heritage"
Paper title: "The Berber dimension in the Arabic manuscripts of Algeria: Historical and linguistic approaches"
135. Rabah Tabti
(Tizi-Ouzou / Algeria)
Panel "Berber: Language and Heritage"
Paper title: "The Berber substrate in Algerian toponymy"
136. Amirouche Amatoui
(Tizi-Ouzou / Algeria)
Panel "Berber: Language and Heritage"
Paper title: "Kabyle customary law and its establishment as legal discourse (Hanoteau and Letourneux (1893)"
137. Malika Hocine
(Tizi-Ouzou / Algeria)
Panel "Berber: Language and Heritage"
Paper title: "Kabyle customary law and its establishment as legal discourse (Hanoteau and Letourneux (1893)"
138. Kahina Hireche
(Tizi-Ouzou / Algeria)
Panel "Berber: Language and Heritage"
Paper title: "The contribution of translation to the establishment of a new Berber novel genre"
139. Prof. Taous Mayouf
(Tizi-Ouzou / Algeria)
Panel "Berber: Language and Heritage"
Paper title: "The genre of riddles in Berber: organization and social function" 
140. Prof. Lydia Imeçaoudene
(Tizi-Ouzou / Algeria)
Panel "Berber: Language and Heritage"
Paper title: "The adaptation and institution of theatrical discourse in Berber"
141. Prof. Badria Safir
(Tlemcen / Algeria)
Panel "The Spirituality of Africa - Society and Culture"
Paper title: "Engaging Tradition in Modern Arab Poetry: The Story of the Algerian Hizia as An Example"
142. Prof. Senoussi Khabradj
(Relizane / Algeria)
Panel "The Spirituality of Africa - Society and Culture"
Paper title: "Traditional Algerian Costume: Between Originality and Renovation"
143. Dr. Wahiba Benhaddou
(Tlemcen / Algeria)
Panel "The Spirituality of Africa - Society and Culture"
Paper title: "The Magic of Cultural Heritage"
144. Dr. Souad Benmamar
(Tlemcen / Algeria)
Panel "The Spirituality of Africa - Society and Culture"
Paper title: "The Question of Culture and Society in Malik Bennabi’s Thoughts"
145. Dr. Horra Taibi
(Tlemcen / Algeria)
Panel "The Spirituality of Africa - Society and Culture"
Paper title: "Beyond Borders - Algeria Diversity and Multiculturalism"
146. Dr. Khedidja Boukhecha
(Tlemcen / Algeria)
Panel "The Spirituality of Africa - Society and Culture"
Paper title: "Towards Building a Corpus for Algerian Folk Literature - Proverbs as An Example"
147. Dr. Laila Rahmani
(Tlemcen / Algeria)
Panel "The Spirituality of Africa - Society and Culture"
Paper title: "The Folk Songs as Image of Algerian Resistance"
148. Dr. Fatima Boor
(Tlemcen / Algeria)
Panel "The Spirituality of Africa - Society and Culture"
Paper title: "Cultural Identity and The Challenges in Globalized Word"
149. Prof. Joanna Marszałek-Kawa
(Toruń / Poland)
Seminar of "African Journal of Economics, Politics and Social Studies"
150. Dr. Adam Marszałek
(Toruń / Poland)
Seminar of "African Journal of Economics, Politics and Social Studies"
151.  Dr. Nagmeldin Karamalla-Gaiballa
(Warsaw / Poland)
Seminar of "African Journal of Economics, Politics and Social Studies"
152. Prof. Katarzyna Kołodziejczyk
(Warsaw / Poland)
Seminar of "African Journal of Economics, Politics and Social Studies"
153. Dr. Jamila Oueslati
(Poznań / Poland)
Seminar of "African Journal of Economics, Politics and Social Studies"
154. Dr. Edyta Wolny-Abouelwafa
(El Khobar / Saudi Arabia)
Seminar of "African Journal of Economics, Politics and Social Studies"
155. Michał Dahl, MA
(Toruń / Poland)
Seminar of "African Journal of Economics, Politics and Social Studies"
156. Prof. Hamid E. Ali
(Khartoum / Sudan)
Seminar of "African Journal of Economics, Politics and Social Studies"
157. Prof. Ali Mohamed Aliraqi
(Riyadh / Saudi Arabia)
Seminar of "African Journal of Economics, Politics and Social Studies"
158. Prof. Marek M. Dziekan
(Łódź / Poland)
Seminar of "African Journal of Economics, Politics and Social Studies"
159. Dr. Abdelrahim Salih Fedail
(Khartoum / Sudan)
Seminar of "African Journal of Economics, Politics and Social Studies"
160. Dr. Ashenafi Teshome Guta
(Addis Abeba / Ethiopia)
Seminar of "African Journal of Economics, Politics and Social Studies"
161. Dr. Magdalena Kubarek
(Warsaw / Poland)
Seminar of "African Journal of Economics, Politics and Social Studies"
162. Dr. Magdalena Łaptaś
(Warsaw / Poland)
Seminar of "African Journal of Economics, Politics and Social Studies"
163. Dr. Urszula Markowska-Manista
(Warsaw / Poland)
Seminar of "African Journal of Economics, Politics and Social Studies"
164. Prof. Abdu Mukhtar Musa
(Khartoum / Sudan)
Seminar of "African Journal of Economics, Politics and Social Studies"
165. Prof. Bara NDiaye
(Olsztyn / Poland)
Seminar of "African Journal of Economics, Politics and Social Studies"
166. Prof. Siham El-Kafafi
(Auckland / New Zealand)
Seminar of "African Journal of Economics, Politics and Social Studies"
167. Dr. Margaret Amaka Ohia-Nowak
(Lublin / Poland)
Seminar of "African Journal of Economics, Politics and Social Studies"
168. Dr. Désiré Dauphin Rasolomampionona
(Warsaw / Poland)
Seminar of "African Journal of Economics, Politics and Social Studies"
169. Dr. Chioma Onoshakpor
(Aberdeen / UK)
Seminar of "African Journal of Economics, Politics and Social Studies"
170. Prof. Jarosław Różański
(Warsaw / Poland)
Seminar of "African Journal of Economics, Politics and Social Studies"
171. Prof. Hanna Rubinkowska-Anioł
(Warsaw / Poland)
Seminar of "African Journal of Economics, Politics and Social Studies"
172. Dr. Mohamed Torshin
(Khartoum / Sudan)
Seminar of "African Journal of Economics, Politics and Social Studies"
173. Prof. Konrad Trzonkowski
(Poznań / Poland)
Seminar of "African Journal of Economics, Politics and Social Studies"
174. Prof. Marta Woźniak-Bobińska
(Łódź / Poland)
Seminar of "African Journal of Economics, Politics and Social Studies"
175. Prof. Maciej Ząbek
(Warsaw / Poland)
Seminar of "African Journal of Economics, Politics and Social Studies"
176. Prof. Arkadiusz Żukowski
(Warsaw / Poland)
Seminar of "African Journal of Economics, Politics and Social Studies"
177. Dr. Oleh Golovko
(Odesa / Ukraine)
Seminar of "African Journal of Economics, Politics and Social Studies"
178. Anastasiia Liashchova, MA
(Odesa / Ukraine)
Seminar of "African Journal of Economics, Politics and Social Studies"
179. Dr. Mukesh Bhartu
(New Delhi / India) 
Participation with a paper
180. Dr. Magdalena El Ghamari
(Warsaw / Poland) 
Libya's role in shaping the international order: political and security challenges in the context of North African instability
181. Prof. Hashem Alhaidry
(Al-Bayt / Iraq)
Panel "Arabic literature in Africa - African literature in Arabic"
Paper title: "Islamic literature in Africa"
182. Dr. Nihad Fottouh
(Cairo / Egypt)
Panel "Arabic literature in Africa - African literature in Arabic"
Paper title: "Women's enslavement in oil-dependent societies in Nawāl as-Sa'dāw's The Kingdom of the Oil"
183. Prof. Naser Al-Tamimi
(Milan / Italy)
Participation with a paper
184. Aleksandra Jadziewicz, MA
(Hangzhou / China)
Participation in a discussion
185. Song Luozi, BA
(Beijing / China) (Toruń / Poland)
Participation in a discussion
186. Prof. Iwona Anna Ndiaye
(Olsztyn / Poland)
Dialog kultur: bajka afrykańska w Polsce
187. Prof. Janusz Mrowiec
(Warsaw / Poland)
Panel dyplomatyczny
188. Godfred Williams-Nanyaa
(Accra / Ghana)
Environmental History of Gold Mining in Ghana
189. Dr. Olga Łozińska
(Szczecin / Poland)
Webinar "Mediterranean paradiplomacy: relations between European and African regions"
190. Prof. Fritz Nganje
(Johannesburg / South Africa)
Webinar "Mediterranean paradiplomacy: relations between European and African regions"
191. Dr. Joseph Adebayo
(Cape Town / South Africa) 
Webinar "Mediterranean paradiplomacy: relations between European and African regions"
192. Dr. Mandira Bagwandeen
(Cape Town / South Africa)
Webinar "Mediterranean paradiplomacy: relations between European and African regions"
193. Sophie Amutavy
(Nairobi / Kenya)
Webinar "Mediterranean paradiplomacy: relations between European and African regions"
194. Patrick Maluki
(Nairobi / Kanya)
Webinar "Mediterranean paradiplomacy: relations between European and African regions"
195. Tomasz Wojciechowski
(Koszalin / Poland)
Webinar "Mediterranean paradiplomacy: relations between European and African regions"
196 Tomoki Mutsui, BA
(Tokyo / Japan)
Participation in a discussion
197. Prof. Noureddine Mkacher
(Sfax / Tunisia)
Webinar "The Concept of Body and Soul in Eastern Philosophy and Culture"
198. Prof. Tomasz Czapiewski
(Szczecin / Poland)
Webinar "Mediterranean paradiplomacy: relations between European and African regions"
199. Dr. Hammouda Salhi
(Tunis / Tunisia)
Webinar "Encounters: Voices of Intercultural (Mis)Understanding"; moderator
Paper title: "Voices of Intercultural (Mis)Understanding"
200. Prof. Hachmi Trabelsi
(Tunis / Tunisia)
Webinar "Encounters: Voices of Intercultural (Mis)Understanding"
Paper title: "Translation and Identity: role of translation and translators as a bridge between cultures: Case Study Translation of the Hobbek Darbani Novel"
201. Dr. Imed Bouslama
(Tunis / Tunisia)
Webinar "Encounters: Voices of Intercultural (Mis)Understanding"
Paper title: "If history is a teacher: The roots of cultural misunderstanding between Africa and Europe"
202.  Prof. Juliane House
(Hambourg / Germany)
Webinar "Encounters: Voices of Intercultural (Mis)Understanding"
Paper title: "Misunderstanding in Intercultural Encounters"
203. Maha El-Metwally
(London / UK)
Webinar "Encounters: Voices of Intercultural (Mis)Understanding"
Paper title: "Client education in the era of AI: A cultural account"
204. Dr. Mohamed Abidi
(Tunis / Tunisia)
Webinar "Encounters: Voices of Intercultural (Mis)Understanding"
Paper title: "Culture in English-Arabic Children’s Dubbed Animated TV Series: A CDA Account of the Ideological Stamp"
205. HE Mohamed Ali Nafti
(Tunis / Tunisia)
Webinar "Encounters: Voices of Intercultural (Mis)Understanding"
Paper title: "Culture in International Relations: Tunisian diplomacy"
206 Prof. Mohamed Mansouri
(Manouba / Tunisia)
Webinar "Encounters: Voices of Intercultural (Mis)Understanding"
Paper title: "Translation as a Vector of Inter-cultural Understanding, not Without Caveats"
207. Dr. Nabil Cherni
(Manouba / Tunisia)
Webinar "Encounters: Voices of Intercultural (Mis)Understanding"
Paper title: "Interpreting in Times of Migration Crises: The Interpreter as a Site of Encounter/Conflict"
208. Dr. Petros Romaios
(Agia Paraskevi / Greece)
Webinar "Encounters: Voices of Intercultural (Mis)Understanding"
Paper title: "Bridging Worlds: Mediterranean Perspectives on Global Intercultural Dynamics and Misunderstandings in the International Order"
209. Wahida Ayari
(Tunis / Tunisia)
Webinar "Encounters: Voices of Intercultural (Mis)Understanding"
Paper title: "The Culture of Peace and Conflict in Africa"
210. Dr. Laura M. Strachan
(Al Khobar / Saudi Arabia)
Webinar "Middle East and Africa - identities, cultures & societies"
211. Dr. Shahir M. Usman
(Al Khobar / Saudi Arabia)
Webinar "Middle East and Africa - identities, cultures & societies"
212. Dr. Samia Kort
(Al Khobar / Saudi Arabia)
Webinar "Middle East and Africa - identities, cultures & societies"
213. Dr. Jason Sparked
(Al Khobar / Saudi Arabia)
Webinar "Middle East and Africa - identities, cultures & societies"
214. Dr. Edyta Wolny-Abouelwafa
(Al Khobar / Saudi Arabia)
Webinar "Middle East and Africa - identities, cultures & societies"; moderator 
215. Brian Chaggu, MA
(Lublin / Poland)
The Legacy of Colonialism: Ethnic Tensions and Conflict in the DR Congo-Rwanda Borderlands
216. Malik Hassan, MA
(Lublin / Poland)
The Legacy of Colonialism: Ethnic Tensions and Conflict in the DR Congo-Rwanda Borderlands
217. Michael Manjale, MA
(Lublin / Poland)
The Legacy of Colonialism: Ethnic Tensions and Conflict in the DR Congo-Rwanda Borderlands
218. Dr. Katarzyna Amrozy
(Toruń / Poland) 
Panel Koła Naukowego Służb Mundurowych UMK pt. "Wyzwania i zagrożenia dla bezpieczeństwa z punktu widzenia Afryki"
219. Marta Banasiak, MA
(Toruń / Poland)
Panel Koła Naukowego Służb Mundurowych UMK pt. "Wyzwania i zagrożenia dla bezpieczeństwa z punktu widzenia Afryki"
220. Julia Lipińska
(Toruń / Poland)
Panel Koła Naukowego Służb Mundurowych UMK pt. "Wyzwania i zagrożenia dla bezpieczeństwa z punktu widzenia Afryki"
221. Patryk Bańczerowski
(Toruń / Poland)
Panel Koła Naukowego Służb Mundurowych UMK pt. "Wyzwania i zagrożenia dla bezpieczeństwa z punktu widzenia Afryki"
222. Mateusz Kiełbasa
(Toruń / Poland
Panel Koła Naukowego Służb Mundurowych UMK pt. "Wyzwania i zagrożenia dla bezpieczeństwa z punktu widzenia Afryki"
223. Klaudia Rudnik
(Toruń / Poland)
Panel Koła Naukowego Służb Mundurowych UMK pt. "Wyzwania i zagrożenia dla bezpieczeństwa z punktu widzenia Afryki"
224. Paulina Wróblewska
(Toruń / Poland)
Panel Koła Naukowego Służb Mundurowych UMK pt. "Wyzwania i zagrożenia dla bezpieczeństwa z punktu widzenia Afryki"
225. Zuzanna Helwich
(Toruń / Poland)
Panel Koła Naukowego Służb Mundurowych UMK pt. "Wyzwania i zagrożenia dla bezpieczeństwa z punktu widzenia Afryki"
226. Oliwia Zaremba
(Toruń / Poland)
Panel Koła Naukowego Służb Mundurowych UMK pt. "Wyzwania i zagrożenia dla bezpieczeństwa z punktu widzenia Afryki"
227 Weronika Żabińska
(Toruń / Poland)
Panel Koła Naukowego Służb Mundurowych UMK pt. "Wyzwania i zagrożenia dla bezpieczeństwa z punktu widzenia Afryki"
228. Mariusz Żabiński
(Toruń / Poland)
Panel Koła Naukowego Służb Mundurowych UMK pt. "Wyzwania i zagrożenia dla bezpieczeństwa z punktu widzenia Afryki"
229. Tristan Redzimski
(Toruń / Poland)
Participation in a discussion 
230. Dominika Szauer
(Toruń / Poland)
Participation in a discussion
231 Wojciech Śliwiński
(Toruń / Poland)
Participation in a discussion
232. Wiktoria Gerc
(Toruń / Poland)
Participation in a discussion
233 Wiktoria Majchrzak
(Toruń / Poland) 
Participation in a discussion
234. Nina Wilkowska-Żuchowska
(Toruń / Poland)
Participation in a discussion
235 Piotr Wieczorek
(Toruń / Poland)
Participation in a discussion
236. Sara Kacprzak
(Toruń / Poland)
Participation in a discussion
237 Prof. Abdelaziz Karamalla Gaiballa
(Khartoum / Sudan)
Natural Resources and Rural Development in Sudan
238. Prof. Mohamed Mahmud Abd El-Fattah
(Cairo / Egypt)
Participation with a paper
239. prof. Daniel Przastek
(Warsaw / Poland)
Participation in a discussion
240. Klaudia Kramer
(Toruń / Poland)
Restytucja dzieł sztuki zrabowanych przez Francuzów w okresie kolonialnym
241. Hans Eyong
(Katowice / Poland)
Regional Dominance between France and China on the Central African Development
242. Balinda Yahaya
(Warsaw / Poland)
Participation in a discussion
243. Prof. Adam Pomieciński
(Poznań / Poland)
Nauczanie języka polskiego jako obcego w Senegalu w perspektywie antropologii politycznej i instytucjonalnej
244. Yusuf Najim
(Warsaw / Poland)
Participation in a discussion
245. Dr. Krystian Chołaszczyński
(Toruń / Poland)
Mugabeism as a style of government in the Republic of Zimbabwe in the post-colonial era
246. Abdoul Byukusenge, MA
(Warsaw / Poland)
The African Union at a Crossroads: Reforming Decision-Making for Sustainable Peace in Africa
247. Sofia Kryvosheieva, MA
(Warsaw / Poland)
"What Do We Know About Sudan?": Egyptian Perspectives on Their Relationship with Sudan in Press Discourse, 1936-1952
248. Prof. Marcin Górnikiewicz
(Warsaw / Poland)
Forecasting methodology in security studies in relation to African regional security
249. Prof. Rafig Novruzov
(Baku / Azerbaijan)
On the perception of the poem “Almotanabi” by Adam Mickiewicz
250. Adel Lahbib
(Tunis / Tunisia)
Participation in a discussion
251. Dr. Jakub Kościółek
(Cracow / Poland)
W poszukiwaniu lepszego życia. Sytuacja Etiopczyków przekraczających granicę Białorusi z UE
252. Ashura Salim
(Lublin / Poland)
Fairtrade and its role in sustainable development of food system: a systematic literature review
253. Mateusz Pogonowski, MA
(Warsaw / Poland)
Return to Africa and Islam: Jazz Musician Art Blakey and His Spiritual Journey
254. Jakub Ligocki, MA
(Bydgoszcz / Poland)
Prawne i praktyczne aspekty zakazu plastikowych toreb w Kenii
255. Katarzyna Fili Sylla
(Warsaw / Poland)
How Africa Got Auto-Tuned: A Culture-Based Understanding of Technological Innovation in Shaping Musical Expression
256. Wiktoria Barteczko
(Warsaw / Poland)
Navigating Dual Realities: The Role of the Congolese Diaspora in Shaping Belgium’s Post-Colonial Policies
257. Anna Leda
(Bydgoszcz / Poland)
Międzynarodowy handel bronią i jego wpływ na konflikty zbrojne w Afryce
258. Dr. Elżbieta Binczycka-Gacek
(Cracow / Poland)
Heritage, Race, and Representation: Slavery, Tourism, and Memory in the Southern U.S.
259. Mamadu Boi Djalo
(Warsaw / Poland)
Participation in a discussion
260. Dr. Martinas Malużinas
(Koszalin / Poland)
Stosunki Republiki Litewskiej z państwami Afryki w latach 1990-2024
261. Omoye Akhagba
(Warsaw / Poland)
Acculturation Process and Nigerian Migrant Women’s Health Stability in Poland
262. Alhassan Tahiru
(Warsaw / Poland)
Participation in a discussion
263. Łukasz Kondys
(Wrocław / Poland)
Wpływy rosyjskie na kontynencie afrykańskim na przykładzie Republiki środkowoafrykańskiej
264. Solomon Kunle Omogbemi
(Dąbrowa Górnicza / Poland)
The Influence of China's Foreign Direct Investment on the Economic and Political Framework of Africa (a Case Study of Nigeria)
265. Oskar Stefański
(Toruń / Poland)
Panel "Społeczno-polityczne wyzwania stojące przed Afryką"
Paper title: "Problemy transformacji energetycznej w Afryce"; moderator
266. Marcel Schulz
(Toruń / Poland)
Panel "Społeczno-polityczne wyzwania stojące przed Afryką"
Paper title: "Społeczno-polityczne wyzwania Państw Afrykańskich w relacjach z Chińską Republiką Ludową"
267. Sandra Kubiak
(Bydgoszcz / Poland)
Panel "Społeczno-polityczne wyzwania stojące przed Afryką"
Paper title: "Problemy społeczno-polityczne dziewczynek w Afryce"
268. Natalia Jarka
(Toruń / Poland)
Panel "Społeczno-polityczne wyzwania stojące przed Afryką"
Paper title: "Do the activities of non-governmental and governmental organizations in Africa support local development, or do they undermine the sovereignty of states?"
269. Kamil Rudny
(Toruń / Poland)
Panel "Społeczno-polityczne wyzwania stojące przed Afryką"
Paper title: "Health Crisis in Africa: An Analysis of Challenges and Perspectives"
270. Zofia Bednarska
(Toruń / Poland)
Panel "Społeczno-polityczne wyzwania stojące przed Afryką"
Paper title: "The future of Africa in terms of artificial borders"
271. Weronika Zawistowska
(Toruń / Poland)
Panel "Społeczno-polityczne wyzwania stojące przed Afryką"
Paper title: "Rosja w Mali: Geopolityczna gra o wpływy na Sahel"
272. Oskar Stefański
(Toruń / Poland)
Panel "Wpływ państw spoza Afryki na politykę państw afrykańskich"; moderator
273. Agata Rolirad
(Toruń / Poland)
Panel "Wpływ państw spoza Afryki na politykę państw afrykańskich"
Paper title: "Wzrost znaczenia Indii w Afryce poprzez współpracę gospodarczą, inwestycje i politykę kulturalną"
274. Marta Olszewska
(Toruń / Poland)
Panel "Wpływ państw spoza Afryki na politykę państw afrykańskich"
Paper title: "Afryka jako pole gry chińskich ambicji globalnych: Ekspansja i inwestycje"
275. Natalia Zielińska
(Toruń / Poland)
Panel "Wpływ państw spoza Afryki na politykę państw afrykańskich"
Paper title: "Przegląd wybranych strategii regionalnych Unii Europejskiej na rzecz Afryki"
276. Sebastian Prekurat
(Toruń / Poland)
Panel "Wpływ państw spoza Afryki na politykę państw afrykańskich"
277. Dr. Sanusi Gumbi Khadijah
(Abuja / Nigeria)
AJEPSS Seminar "Interdisciplinary research on Africa"
278. Idris Saminu
(Abuja / Nigeria)
AJEPSS Seminar "Interdisciplinary research on Africa"
279. Aliyu Yahaya
(Abuja / Nigeria)
AJEPSS Seminar "Interdisciplinary research on Africa"
280. Chioma Masi Onoshakpor
(Aberdeen / UK)
AJEPSS Seminar "Interdisciplinary research on Africa"
281. Chika Judith Abolle-Okoyeagu
(Aberdeen / UK)
AJEPSS Seminar "Interdisciplinary research on Africa"
282. Ojotule Onoja
(Aberdeen / UK)
AJEPSS Seminar "Interdisciplinary research on Africa"
283. Christie Etukudor
(Aberdeen / UK)
AJEPSS Seminar "Interdisciplinary research on Africa"
284. Robert Ainebyona, MA
(Lublin / Poland)
AJEPSS Seminar "Interdisciplinary research on Africa"
285. Jessica Namuddu, MA
(Bangi / Central African Republic)
AJEPSS Seminar "Interdisciplinary research on Africa"
286. Anna Akajo, MA
(Lublin / Poland)
AJEPSS Seminar "Interdisciplinary research on Africa"
287. Prof. Abdu Mukhtar Musa
(Khartoum / Sudan)
AJEPSS Seminar "Interdisciplinary research on Africa"
288. Hans Eyong, MA
(Katowice / Poland)
AJEPSS Seminar "Interdisciplinary research on Africa"
289. Dr. Kezzoute Mhammed
(Oujda / Marocco)
AJEPSS Seminar "Interdisciplinary research on Africa"
290. Callistus Chidi Mbanwusi
(Lublin / Poland)
AJEPSS Seminar "Interdisciplinary research on Africa"
291. Leon Somerschaf
(Warsaw / Poland)
AJEPSS Seminar "Interdisciplinary research on Africa"
292. Ayoub Albihiri
(Warsaw / Poland)
AJEPSS Seminar "Interdisciplinary research on Africa"
293. Ahmedia Musa M. Ibrahim
(Riyadh / Saudi Arabia)
AJEPSS Seminar "Interdisciplinary research on Africa"
294. Murtada Khalid Abdalla
(Khartoum / Sudan)
AJEPSS Seminar "Interdisciplinary research on Africa"
295. Philip Fwaldin Kasuwa, MA
(Lublin / Poland)
AJEPSS Seminar "Interdisciplinary research on Africa"
296. Joshua Kathenya
(Wrocław / Poland)
Participation in a discussion
297. Prof. Fathi Kacemi
(Tunis / Tunisia)
Panel "Arabic and African Contemporary War Literature"
Paper title: "Doctor Hafedh Ibrahim At-Tunisi (1916-2010)- Supporter of liberation movements in Morocco, Algeria and Tunisia"
298. Prof. Nour Ben Mefteh
(Warsaw / Poland)
Africa-EU Relations
299. Dr. Ewa Glapka
(Szczecin / Poland)
On the edge of identity and scholarship: navigating white scholarship in African context (the case of a white European post-doc in South Africa)
300. Prof. Sebastian Gadomski
(Cracow / Poland)
Panel "Arabic literature in Africa - African literature in Arabic"; moderator
Paper title: "Stary porządek, nowy porządek – obraz państwa i społeczeństwa w dramaturgii al-Fāḍila al-Ğa‘āybiego i Ğalīli Bakkār"
301. Prince Charles Dike
(Opole / Poland)
Participation in a discussion
302 Stephen Ugwu
(Lublin / Poland)
Ubuntu personalism, challenging the rising problem of alienation in understanding the person as 'communio personarum'
303. Dr. Michał Baran
(Szczecin / Poland)
Initial consonant mutations in Welsh and Fula
304. Brian Chaggu, MA
(Lublin / Poland)
Towards a long-term peace approach: A phenomenological analysis of contemporary and emerging conflicts
305. Augustine Akah
(Kiel / Germany)
Towards a long-term peace approach: A phenomenological analysis of contemporary and emerging conflicts
306. Prof. Marcin Świtoniak
(Toruń / Poland)
Open lecture entitled "Z Torunia do Tunezji - Śladami Kazimierza Nowaka"
Sergey Pesterev/unsplash.com



Strategic partner


Honorary patronage

prezydent Torunia
Polskie Towarzystwo Afrykanistyczne copy
Institute for Turkey Studies
Polish-African Chamber of Commerce & Industry


Fundacja Mała Misja
Forum Młodych Dyplomatów
Dni Afryki w Olsztynie

Media partners

african journal
azja pacyfik
Polish Political Science Yearbook
studia orientalne

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