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2nd International

African Congress

The Importance of Africa in Reshaping International Order
Toruń (Poland), February 19–21, 2025

Paper proposals
To participate in the conference it is necessary to fill out an online application form (https://docs.google.com/forms
viewform?usp=sharing), and obtain feedback on the inclusion to the group of speakers and pay a conference fee of 350 PLN (80 EUR).

The fee must be paid to the bank account:
Centrum Badań Wschodnich i Afrykanistycznych
Nazwa banku: Santander Bank Polska
Nr konta: 57 1090 2590 0000 0001 5629 0124
IBAN: PL57 1090 2590 0000 0001 5629 0124
typing in the title transfer “Africa2025”, followed by the name and last name of the participant.

The conference fee includes:

  • conference materials,

  • two lunches, coffee breaks,

  • participation in the welcome reception after the first day of the conference,

  • participation in the accompanying events,

  • possibility to publish an article in the post-conference volume.

The conference fee does not include the cost of travel and accommodation (organizers provide assistance in finding accommodation).

Please note that the deadline for paper proposal expires on January 12, 2025

Conference fee

 » Standard participation: 350 PLN (80 EUR)
Online participation: 100 PLN (25 EUR)
Online participation and publication: 250 PLN (60 EUR)

Panel proposals
To propose a panel to the Congress please contact the organizers at internationalafricancongress@gmail.com. Please note that the deadline for panel proposal expires on November 17, 2024.

Open paper submissions (link).

Sergey Pesterev/unsplash.com


umk plitologia

Strategic partner

Honorary patronage

Polskie Towarzystwo Afrykanistyczne
Institute for Turkey Studies


Fundacja Mała Misja
Forum Młodych Dyplomatów
Dni Afryki w Olsztynie

Media partners

african journal
azja pacyfik
Polish Political Science Yearbook
studia orientalne

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